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Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Marlita Weiss, 08 Feb 11:48PM
     Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Daniel Spreadbury, 09 Feb 09:14AM
         Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Nathan Andersen, 14 Feb 12:12AM
             Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Stephen L. Martin, 04 Jun 11:59PM

Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25
Posted by Marlita Weiss - 08 Feb 11:48PM
I have just purchased an AlesisQ25 controller. I was hoping to use it with Sibelius. When I go to playback devices, I can see it listed, although I can't highlight it. I can't get it to play any sound through Sibelius. I'd appreciate any advice that one might have.

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25
Posted by Daniel Spreadbury - 09 Feb 09:14AM
The Alesis Q25 is a controller keyboard, so it doesn't make any sounds of its own. Go to the Input Devices page of Preferences to set it up.

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25
Posted by Nathan Andersen - 14 Feb 12:12AM
Hello, I just purchased a Alesis Q25 keyboard as well, and I can't get it to work with Sibelius 6 Student. It's listed as an input device, but no matter what settings I change, it can neither make sound nor input notes into the score. Help would be much appreciated!

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Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25
Posted by Stephen L. Martin - 04 Jun 11:59PM
This might help:

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Messages in this thread

Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Marlita Weiss, 08 Feb 11:48PM
     Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Daniel Spreadbury, 09 Feb 09:14AM
         Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Nathan Andersen, 14 Feb 12:12AM
             Re: Sib. 6.2: Using Sibelius with Alesis Q25 - Stephen L. Martin, 04 Jun 11:59PM