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Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Jan Wright, 20 Apr 12:00PM
     Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Craig F, 20 Apr 01:39PM
         Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Peter Roos, 20 Apr 04:31PM
             Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Daniel Spreadbury, 20 Apr 09:32PM

Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor?
Posted by Jan Wright - 20 Apr 12:00PM
I have a digital piano with its own 16 track sequencer and I've composed my piece and saved it as a midi file.

I now want to load it into Sibelius add some ralls to it (and also changes some volumes would be nice) and then save it back to a midi file.

I've tried importing it into Sibelius and set all the appropriate settings to have as minimum impact on the file as possible. I've added my tempo changes and then done a save as ... in midi format.

Unfortunately sibelius has made changes other than to the tempo.

Am I being too hopeful trying to get sibelius to work in this way?

Can anyone recommend a free midi editor download that would allow me to do the job?

The midi file I'm trying to import is:

and the one created by sibelius is:

Many thanks for any ideas.


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Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor?
Posted by Craig F - 20 Apr 01:39PM
Get a sequencer.

Sib 6.1
Athlon 64 3400+ 3GB RAM, Win XP Home SP3, Audiophile 2496

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Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor?
Posted by Peter Roos - 20 Apr 04:31PM
While not free Reaper ( has a 30 day free trial and continues to be functional thereafter. There are more sophisticated midi sequencing programs out there but it can certainly get the job done.

Peter Roos

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Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor?
Posted by Daniel Spreadbury - 20 Apr 09:32PM
I'd be interested to know what differences you discern between the two MIDI files. Certainly a cursory bar-by-bar examination of the result of importing them into Sibelius doesn't show anything too peculiar.

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Messages in this thread

Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Jan Wright, 20 Apr 12:00PM
     Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Craig F, 20 Apr 01:39PM
         Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Peter Roos, 20 Apr 04:31PM
             Re: Sib. 3.x: Sibelius as a midi editor? - Daniel Spreadbury, 20 Apr 09:32PM